- Δημοσιεύσεις: 445
- Ληφθείσες Ευχαριστίες 75
GitHub: GitHub project (Τρέχεις το test.py)
Να ξέρεται ο κώδικας είναι πολύ πρόχειρος και χωρίς σχόλια.
Το έκανα στα γρήγορα.
Κωδικας Main: import pygame, sys
from pygame.locals import *
from Sprite import Sprite
from random import randrange
running = True
resolution = (640, 980)
player_speed = 4
score = 0
pipes_speed = 2
fall_speed = 3
range_grow = 150
up = False
dead = False
timer = 0
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(resolution)
pygame.display.set_caption("Flappy Bird")
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
background = pygame.image.load("bg.jpg").convert()
player_image = pygame.image.load("player.png").convert_alpha()
pipe_down_image = pygame.image.load("Pipe_Down.png").convert_alpha()
pipe_up_image = pygame.image.load("Pipe_Up.png").convert_alpha()
player_down = pygame.transform.rotate(player_image, -30)
player_dead = pygame.transform.rotate(player_image, -90)
player = Sprite(player_image, (100, 100))
player.set_gravity(True, fall_speed)
pipe_down = Sprite(pygame.transform.scale(pipe_down_image, (pipe_down_image.get_width(), pipe_down_image.get_height() + randrange(50, range_grow))), (400, 0))
pipe_up = Sprite(pygame.transform.scale(pipe_up_image, (pipe_up_image.get_width(), pipe_up_image.get_height() - 50)), (400, 520))
pipe_down1 = Sprite(pygame.transform.scale(pipe_down_image, (pipe_down_image.get_width(), pipe_down_image.get_height() + randrange(50, range_grow))), (600, 0))
pipe_up1 = Sprite(pygame.transform.scale(pipe_up_image, (pipe_up_image.get_width(), pipe_up_image.get_height() - 50)), (600, 520))
pipe_down2 = Sprite(pygame.transform.scale(pipe_down_image, (pipe_down_image.get_width(), pipe_down_image.get_height() + randrange(50, range_grow))), (800, 0))
pipe_up2 = Sprite(pygame.transform.scale(pipe_up_image, (pipe_up_image.get_width(), pipe_up_image.get_height() - 50)), (800, 520))
pipe_down3 = Sprite(pygame.transform.scale(pipe_down_image, (pipe_down_image.get_width(), pipe_down_image.get_height() + randrange(50, range_grow))), (1000, 0))
pipe_up3 = Sprite(pygame.transform.scale(pipe_up_image, (pipe_up_image.get_width(), pipe_up_image.get_height() - 50)), (1000, 520))
pipes = [pipe_down, pipe_up, pipe_down1, pipe_up1, pipe_down2, pipe_up2, pipe_down3, pipe_up3]
pipes_down = [pipe_down, pipe_down1, pipe_down2, pipe_down3]
pipes_up = [pipe_up, pipe_up1, pipe_up2, pipe_up3]
font = pygame.font.Font("Chango-Regular.ttf", 30)
def pipe_logic():
for pipe in pipes_down:
x, y = pipe.get_pos()
if (x < (-pipe_up.get_width()+20) ):
pipe.set_pos((1000, 0))
pipe.set_image(pygame.transform.scale(pipe_down_image, (pipe_down_image.get_width(), pipe_down_image.get_height() + randrange(50, range_grow))))
for pipe in pipes_up:
x, y = pipe.get_pos()
if (x < -pipe_up.get_width() + 10):
pipe.set_pos((1000, 520))
def player_animations():
if (not dead):
if (not up):
def borders():
global up
x, y = player.get_pos()
if (y < 0):
up = False
elif (y > 700):
def die():
global player_speed, pipes_speed, up, dead
dead = True
player_speed = 0
pipes_speed = 0
up = False
player.set_gravity(True, fall_speed)
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
running = False
elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_UP:
up = True
elif event.type == KEYUP:
if event.key == K_UP:
up = False
screen.blit(background, (0,0) )
if (not dead):
player.move(player_speed, up = up)
player.render(screen, not up)
for pipe in pipes:
x, y = player.get_pos()
x1,y1= pipe.get_pos()
if (player.get_collision(pipe)):
elif (x > x1 and x < x1+pipe.get_width() and timer > 40):
score += 1
timer = 0
elif (x > x1 and x < x1+pipe.get_width() and timer <= 40):
timer += 1
if (not dead):
pipe.move(pipes_speed, left = True)
if (dead):
screen.blit(font.render(str(score), True, (255,0,0)), (300,300))
Κώδικας Sprite: #Sprite Class
class Sprite:
def __init__(this, image, start_pos = (0,0)):
this.image = image
this.pos = start_pos
this.gravity = False
this.gravity_speed = 5
def set_image(this, new_imgage):
this.image = new_imgage
def set_pos(this, new_pos):
this.pos = new_pos
def set_gravity(this, value, speed):
this.gravity = True
this.gravity_speed = speed
def render(this, screen, gravity_active = False):
x, y = this.pos
screen.blit(this.image, this.pos)
if (this.gravity and gravity_active):
y += this.gravity_speed
this.pos = (x, y)
def get_image(this):
return this.image
def get_pos(this):
return this.pos
def get_width(this):
return this.image.get_width()
def get_height(this):
return this.image.get_height()
def move(this, speed, left = False, up = False):
x, y = this.pos
if (left):
x -= speed
elif (up):
y -= speed
this.pos = (x, y)
def get_collision(this, other):
x1, y1 = this.pos
x2, y2 = other.get_pos()
if (x1 + this.get_width() >= x2 and x1 + this.get_width() < x2 + other.get_width()):
if (y1 > y2 and y1 < y2 + other.get_height()) or (y1+this.get_height() < y2 + other.get_height() and y1+this.get_height() > y2):
return True